School of Lies
In 1920s Berlin, 25-year old Edgar falls for the Anglo-Indian Alina, who proves to be a decoy in a diabolical labyrinth that leads him all the way to India and into the uncanny depths of his false identity.
"School of Lies" reveals the disturbing points of contact between the emergence of National Socialist ideology and the first great wave of esoteric movements and the drop-out culture in Germany at the turn of the century and during the Weimar Republic.
Set in the "Roaring Twenties", this highly topical family and love story shows how politics became jinxed by religion and esoteric thinking to conjure up a terrible catastrophe.
Genre: Drama
Format: TV series 6 episodes of 45 minutes each
Writer: Wolfram Fleischhauer
Producers: Stephan Ottenbruch, Wolfram Fleischhauer
Production: Belmount et. al.